To smile more, worry less & starve MY Regret Monster...
What is iMakeTime?
We make sure every busy day still MAKES time for ME...
iMakeTime shares tips and tools that help busy people (like ME) smile more, worry less, and AVOID "Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda" REGRETS. It's a simple approach that takes 10 minutes per day to create balance and keep me connected to who matters most in my life. iMakeTime makes sure even my busiest days save a little time for ME to enjoy the blessings already in my life.
Why should iMakeTime for ME today?
I'm tired of surviving busy days with nothing left in the tank for myself...
Every month or two life finds ways to remind us of goals and good intentions we left on the back-burner, or dropped entirely. Those lil' daily disappointments add up over time, feeding my Regret Monster with "Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda" choices like...
My clothes are fitting tight again: I Woulda exercised more last week, but I...
I'm exhausted during the week: I Coulda went to bed earlier, but I...
I've lost touch with special people: I Shoulda called or reached out, but I...
Need better time with my spouse: We were Gonna plan a date night, but we...
Do I need to pay better attention to my Health and Relationships? They're BOTH keys to enjoying life, and always the first things we sacrifice to get other stuff done. iMakeTime keeps me focused on small daily actions for who and what truly matter - making sure busy days always include time for ME!
How can iMakeTime work for ME?
Give myself 10 minutes: 5 minutes to start and end each day...
iMakeTime is built to fit into my busy life WHENever and WHEREver I need it. That's possible because we simplified HOW iMakeTime into one rule and three special tools.
ONE RULE is a simple reminder that my life becomes what I focus and take action toward consistently.
THREE TOOLS help me quickly scan who I am, what matters most, and mood-changing happy thoughts.
10 MINUTES EVERY DAY is the best gift I can give myself to enjoy the blessings already in my life.
COME BACK ANYTIME for tips and resources.
This page is the quick scan so the world can start to understand what iMakeTime is, and consider how iMakeTime fits what I'm looking for. Over the next few weeks, we'll add detail pages for anyone interested in learning more...
What's the One Rule?
A reminder that my life becomes what iMakeTime for...
The concept is simple - we feel and become what we focus on daily. Regrets add up fast when I forget the rule and put what truly matters on the back-burner. Paying attention to who I am and who I love should be a priority I never put off or compromise. Here's the rule...
BECOMES what iMakeTime for daily
FEELS BETTER when I pay attention to who I love and who I am;
ATTRACTS what I consistently believe, speak, and ask for;
REMOVES people and success I don’t make enough time for."
Making a living has a way of dominating our time and focus, leaving less time for me to be a good spouse, parent and friend. My special people deserve better attention, but they get less when healthy or happy enough to give them my best. iMakeTime keeps me aware, balanced and connected TODAY, because life doesn't slow down or get easier...
What are the Three Tools?
Reminders for better Choices, Balance and Reclaiming my day...
Everyone says we want to be HAPPY, but few have figured out the small actions it requires every day. Our tools make it easy to understand who I am and what BALANCE means for ME, translating BOTH into doable actions that fit into my busy day - especially when life gives me lemons. The bullets below share how each of the tools work for me.
My COMPASS helps me make better CHOICES,keeping me grounded by focusing on my Big6.
My MAP helps me maintain BALANCE by focusing on my Fav5 Drivers.
My LEMONADE is SMILE insurance, ready to help me shake off a bad mood and reclaim my day.
iMakeTime only takes 10 minutes per day because scanning my Compass and Map make it easy to make better choices and maintain my Balance. Life happens, so my Lemonade is ready anytime I need to reclaim my day from a funky mood, or recharge with some good vibes! Together, these three tools help me starve my Regret Monster and enjoy my day!
Do I have a Regret Monster?
YES, it's that voice in my head dumping doubts and fear onto my Life...
Everyone has a Regret Monster, feeding us negative thoughts and chipping away our confidence so we'll procrastinate and worry. He's well-fed from years of "Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda" choices we wish we could undo. It's easy to settle for less when he's constantly whispering negatives like "been there, done that", "it won't work because" and "I don't have time for...". Settling is like lying - both are soul-sucking habits that haunt our tomorrows. Will iMakeTime to starve my Regret Monster, or just keep feeding him?